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Dry Red Wines

Dry Red Wines are one of the favorites of veteran wine lovers. These wines stand out for their strength, texture and acidity, properties that together produce a dry sensation in the mouth when drinking them.

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Buy dry red wine, also known as table wine

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All about Dry Red Wine

Its characteristics make it ideal to accompany a wide variety of recipes, enhancing the flavor of the dishes. Dry red wines are very appreciated in Spain. They are chosen to accompany red meats, pates and cheeses, especially those with strong and defined flavors and aromas.

Aroma and texture of a good Dry Red Wine

The aroma offered by dry wines, whether white dry wines or red, is away from the sweetness of fruits and flowers, so characteristic of sweet wines. Instead, they accentuate the nuances of wood and species, often exotic. Although the smell of the grapes is preserved far away, it hides behind the herbs, being only a subtle tone.

Its color is red, often with mauve reflections. It shows good density, cleanliness and shine, giving it a special appeal. As for the texture, this is very different from sweet wines. For starters, it has a higher alcohol content.

The presence of tannins is accentuated, which are responsible for giving those astringent and dry touches that characterize this wine.

A very significant detail is the permanence of the flavors. In the case of sweet wines, these tend to remain on the palate, while, in dry wines, this feeling is slightly fleeting.

Its flavor is usually very accompanied by those of aging in wooden barrels. Although it is possible that in some cases it acquires very subtle sweet and fruity tones, the acidity predominates that is balanced with the rest of the nuances.

One of the best examples of this type of wine is the Pequeñita Tempranillo. A limited edition wine of well-structured flavors, textures and smooth passage.

How do you taste a dry red wine?

In order to taste a good dry red wine and appreciate all its sensations and flavors, we must start by serving it in a wide mouth glass that allows its aromas to reach clear and that the broth is properly oxygenated.

Before drinking the wine you must smell it without moving your glass, to be able to notice if the wine has defects. And only then you can move the glass so that the wine oxygenates and opens.

Before bringing the glass to your lips, move the wine a little and inhale its aroma to prepare your senses. Now, have a little drink. Let the liquid walk inside of your mouth and impregnate it with that dry feeling that tannins leave.

Now, repeat the process. It is always preferable to go for small sips so that you can differentiate the nuances of its flavor. Take the glass by the stem so as not to heat the wine and move by turning gently to keep it oxygenated and allow its aromas to continue to reach your nose.

This will make its aromas and flavors more intense, immersing you completely in the experience of tasting a high-class wine.

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