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Online Shop of Singular Wines

Underwater Wines

For our online store we search for wines that come from the most unique vineyards and that transmit the influence of the sea to the maximum. We have wines that combine the essence of the most extraordinary terroirs with the passion of the master winemakers and the soul of the sea.

Vinos submarinos
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Buy underwater wine. A great treasure of oenology!

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Información sobre Vino Submarino
All about Underwater Wine

In our shop you will find wines of rare varieties and limited production that aspire to become legendary. A whole range of high quality wines, well structured and with very powerful notes and nuances.

Recommended underwater wine

A wine that arises from a deep knowledge of the terroir and the winery; and that the sea completes creating treasures for the palate; a specialty that undoubtedly should be recommended by our store.

Sea of Anemones Underwater Red Wine

It is a wine made with Carignan, Grenache and Syrah and has 8 months of aging in French oak barrels. The bottles are aged in the Mediterranean Sea for 6 months.

Best-selling sea wines

The best-selling underwater wines have won public acceptance because they are actually a luxury. Their fermentation process, bottling and especially the time they spend submerged under the Mediterranean Sea, make them the best choice.

Mar de Batea Underwater White Wine

It is a wine made from 100% white grenache, fermented on its lees and aged in the Mediterranean Sea for 9 months.

Vina Maris Selected 2015

It is a wine made from monastrell, tempranillo, cabernet sauvignon and syrah. It has been aged in French oak for 16 months and has been at the bottom of the sea at a depth of 40 meters for 12 months.

Underwater Sparkling Wine Syrenius

Its varieties are Xarel·lo, Macabeo and Parellada. It is aged for 20 months in the winery and 9 months in the sea. A simply spectacular cava.

The best underwater wine cellars

The best wineries are those that have a history of years producing wines under the sea, being the most knowledgeable of each of its great properties.

The Sea Wine Club

The Sea Wine Club

Based in Alicante, they have made every effort to perfect, increasingly, the aging of a variety of wines under the waters of the Mediterranean Sea.



Located in Tarragona, they stand out because they bottle their wines in amphorae and then submerge them under the sea.

Attis Bodegas y Viñedos

Attis Winery and Vineyards

They have stood out for their Attis Mar, which is Atlantic wine. This is an opportunity for great tastings, for the most adventurous and daring palates.

What are underwater wines?

Underwater wine goes through a process of elaboration on land, logically. Subsequently, its aging takes place under the sea where its quality will be enhanced. The bottles remain submerged in stainless steel cages for months at least 24 meters deep, maturing without altering their harmonious and round flavor.

This type of wine is of the highest quality. If it has been made with the best grapes and has received a good aging in the cellar, it will be a great wine if it finally receives an aging in the sea.

As you can see, this type is a wine aged in barrels that has a subsequent maturation process under water. The physical conditions necessary for winemaking are sought: pressure, darkness, thermal inertia and, above all, agitation due to pressure variations linked to tides.

As well as for sparkling cava wines, the selection of the grapes, pressing and first fermentation are three delicate preliminary stages that are key to the rest of the winemaking process.

Characteristics of underwater wine

These wines have a very delicate aging in the depths of the sea, where the following conditions are given:

  • Constant temperature of about 14 degrees that allow the correct evolution of the wine.
  • Under the sea there isn’t the same amount of light as on the surface.
  • The presence of oxygen is less.
  • There is great pressure and gravity under the sea that will influence the taste of the wine.
  • The natural movement of the sea currents on the lees provide a total enrichment to the wine.

Why these wines are more special?

Winemakers argue that underwater wines have greater complexity, better integration and balance. Especially the producers of sparkling wines say that they have noticed that their wines have a more integrated type of bubble and what stands out most is that the life of their wines is longer because they maintain a higher pressure level during aging.

We wonder if underwater wine has more complexity than if it had been terrestrial and the answer is that it does, due to the special equipment and specialized labor required for its aging.

How is underwater wine made?

The temperature and light have a direct impact on the ageing, since the one under the sea is significantly different from the one on the surface.

The defenders of this method of aging believe that the special microclimate, plus the movement of the currents and waves that cradle the bottles and the complete protection of the phases of the moon, create the optimal conditions for the wine to mature.

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