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The corkscrew is an essential tool in the arsenal of any wine lover. It facilitates the experience of enjoying a good wine. In our online store we have good brands and designs of this item. You will have no problem choosing any of these.

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Buy quality corkscrew to avoid contamination of your wine

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All about Corkscrew

A corkscrew is an essential tool if we want to enjoy a good wine, since it is the one that allows us to extract the cork from the bottle. It doesn’t matter if it’s natural or synthetic cork. Although today there are wines with metal caps, known as screw caps, the vast majority of labels still use corks.

Recommended Corkscrew

In terms of corkscrews there are many models on the market, some cheaper than others. The important thing is that if you love uncorking your wines, do not skimp on having the best. Choose one recommended by experts.

Carbon Effect ClickCut Monza Corkscrew

The design of this corkscrew has earned it a 1st place in France where the Gevrey-Chambertin contest is held.

The novelty is that it has a double retractable lever that facilitates the removal of any cork with just two maneuvers. This ensures that no residue of the cork will go straight into the bottle. Even if the cork is long, it can come out vertically and perfectly.

Best-selling corkscrew

The best-selling corkscrews have the endorsement of the clientele. This is the best example that the three that we present to you below, are infallible.

Pulltap’s Classic Pink Corkscrew

The brand has launched this special corkscrew in pink to highlight its interest in campaigns against breast cancer. It has zamak handle, teflon spiral, micro-saw blade and nickel-plated steel lever. With this and its double lever, it has revolutionized the uncorking of wine. This model is widely used by restoration professionals.

Toledo Oak Handle Corkscrew

This set of Toledo corkscrew with case in aluminum box and handmade finish with natural wood inlays, has a double lever to extract the corks, effortlessly, in two steps.

Pulltap’s Swarovski Crystal Corkscrew

This can be a very elegant gift made in Spain. This is a corkscrew presented in a Jewelers gift box. The finish is really spectacular with Swarovski crystals that give it a sophisticated look.

What is a corkscrew?

A corkscrew is a small object that is usually used in the kitchen. It is designed to extract cork from a wine bottle. Wine experts estimate that pulling a cork out of a bottle with a corkscrew requires strength and precision.

Therefore, many mechanical improvements have been made to the traditional corkscrew design. Some offer more lever to pull out the cork, while others emphasize greater torque when turning.

The correct use of a corkscrew can avoid some of the most common dangers associated with opening wine. A substandard corkscrew with a solid worm screw design, replacing the conventional open spiral, can extract too much cork, which can trigger contamination of the bottle.

What are the types of corkscrew?

1 - Simple Corkscrew

The simple corkscrew is the oldest and most traditional model. It consists of a steel screw attached to a perpendicular handle, made of wood or other material, such as plastic or acrylic.

Despite being a cheap and easy to find model, the simple corkscrew can cause difficulties for beginners, as it requires some strength from the user.

2 - Flap Corkscrew

It has a design of two flaps that facilitates the removal of the cork without the user having to do much force. One of the drawbacks is that sometimes the cork ends up breaking when removed.

3 - Two Stage Corkscrew

Also known as a sommelier or waiter's knife, it is the model preferred by professionals. It has a metal arm that extends to rest on the edge of the bottle and works as a lever to remove the cork. This corkscrew model also features a small blade, useful for cutting the foil surrounding the neck of wine bottles.

4 - Screwpull Corkscrew

It is a great option for beginners, as it is enough to rotate the top of the equipment to completely remove the cork. It is now part of the permanent collection of the Museum of Modern Art.

5 - Blade Corkscrew

It is the most suitable model for the appreciation of aging wines, because it allows to extract the cork without damaging it. It is very useful for brittle corks that become damaged over the years.

However, opening a bottle with a knife corkscrew requires more dexterity, as precision is needed when inserting the corkscrew blades between the cork and the bottle neck.

6 - Lever Corkscrew

Suitable for beginners. To use it, simply attach the equipment around the neck and push down, removing the cork. The biggest disadvantage of the lever corkscrew is that it is not portable and additionally requires a firm surface to handle it successfully.

7 - Wall Corkscrew

The wall corkscrew is easy and simple to use, both for a professional in the sector, as if it is for home. It is a wine accessory widely used worldwide by professionals.

8 - Electric Corkscrew

Thanks to it, the nervousness of opening your favorite bottle of wine and leaving traces of the stopper in the bottle is over. Its power will allow you to extract any type of cork with the greatest ease.

It has a rechargeable battery with good autonomy. It is also equipped with a foil cutter. A truly versatile accessory that will immediately find its place in your kitchen.

How to use an electric corkscrew?

It is designed for those who do not want any work when extracting the cork. With a simple touch it does it all alone.

It's a newer innovation. Using it is very simple, just attach it to the bottle, press a button and the cork comes out without any effort. A disadvantage of the electric corkscrew is its high price, besides that it is not portable and requires that the batteries are always charged.

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