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Wines made with Gewurztraminer grape

With an uncommon name, it is a kind of grape that is typical of the slopes of Trentino in Italy. Gewurztraminer is a grape that produces very rich and sweet wines, so if you want to try the best, you are on the ideal page for it.

Comprar Vinos Gewurztraminer
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All about Gewurztraminer

This grape stands out for being white, but with its pink skin, which allows us to achieve wines with a lot of flavor, great aroma and a lot of personality. You can enjoy sweet or semi-sweet wines that are well known all over the world.

What is the Gewurztraminer grape?

Gewurztraminer is a type of grape that is adapted to different climatic conditions, such as colder climates. Due to its physical characteristics, it is perfect for creating various white wines, although its skin is a shade between reddish and red, excellent quality white wines are made with it.

By nature, it is a grape that is characterized by having high sugar levels compared to others, and usually in its manufacturing process semi-sweet or sweet wines are obtained.

However, it is feasible to find some dry wines, where the main touch that this grape gives them are the notes of tropical fruits and floral notes. In addition, it is a type of grape that causes small bubbles to appear in the glass when the wine is served.

Characteristics and properties of the Gewurztraminer grape

The Gewurztraminer grape is growing more and more in popularity all over the world. It has a high sugar content that allows it to show part of its Mediterranean nuances. When served in a glass, it has a golden straw presence.

It stands out for generating very fruity wines, with traces of flowers and some vegetables. Certain notes that can be felt in these broths are of exotic fruits, yellow pulps, lychee, acacia flowers and some aromatic herbs.

These wines have great personality and structure, with great freshness and taste, they have silkiness, balance and body, making them very unctuous.

Gastronomic combinations and wine pairings Gewurztraminer

As they are generally sweet or semi-sweet wines, their flavor is ideal to accompany foods that are very spicy or spicy, such as Indian or Asian food. It also works very well with cheeses, for example, maroilles, munster and livarot.

They can also be used to accompany game meats or any type of exotic food for which you want to experiment. It is also good to accompany appetizers or desserts, and it should be noted that with chocolate it is amazing.

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